dimanche 5 octobre 2008

Time turn

Anna was old. So old that she had difficulties remembering her last husband. She was feeling dreadful, the winter was so cold that she felt it in her bone. Too much snow and no sun for weeks at a time, she was force to stay in her little house. Thinking, that was all she could do. And thinking she did.

lundi 7 juillet 2008

President Bush, "Yo, Harper". G8 Japan. July 7, 2008



Canada, Irak and Iran 1

I will no say anything that has not been said before I guess. Still, what are we doing there? Let me guess the only plausible answer; we are there to please our Southern friend. So I'm just hoping that every time a Canadian gets killed, somebody explains that non sense to the relatives. That will not happen for sure.

Even if Iran was 2 times as bad as m. Bush said it is, why all that war propaganda at this moment? M. Harper could call him and ask him why? Iran is a country with 3 times the population of Iraq. That means that even if the U.S. would want to get rid of it, that's impossible without let's say 400,000 soldiers to spare. I don't imagine that you can nuke it; I really hope that it is not possible yet. So what? If you bomb Iran, the price of petroleum will go trough the roof and the geopolitical situation in Iraq will change dramatically for the worst. So if the U.S. have problem to control Iraq and Afghanistan why add another country to this list? I don’t know. Things that comes to my mind is more control on the vast petroleum reserve of Iraq and Ian and having the highest maximum price possible for petroleum right now, so beside oil companies, who wants that?

That situation could get more Canadian killed in Afghanistan as more U.S. troops could be needed in Iraq to control whatever happens if Iran goes to war. So please m. Harper, could you give a call to your friend and ask him to calm down.

I just read that, and as it confirm what I think I include it below

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said on Monday that harsh U.S. rhetoric toward Iran appeared to be contributing to the surge in oil prices and that a calmer approach might help soothe the markets.

"There are some geopolitical issues that affect the price of oil," he added. "So for us to ratchet down the rhetoric when it comes to Iran, for example, and engage in tough, principled diplomacy, as I've called for, might calm the markets down."

samedi 5 juillet 2008

An organized church part 1

What's wrong with being organized? Nothing. So my post is already finished. Of course not! So why a post on that? Because not a lot of people see a problem with that. Even me at first I did have some difficulties to see how I can write my doubt about an organized church. Some people will find it funny that I started blogging about the internet and now I blog on the church. But in more than one way, both are connected. And no, I don't smoke any illegal substance. So let's start!

What is an organized church? For me, it is a church following human logic.

How do you know if a church is following human logic? Wow, glad you asked! There is no single answer, but if you combine enough of the factors that follow, you have a church following human logic or an organized church.

Let's start with a simple thing with profound implication.

Internet and politics 4

So now with the IPhone, the Instinct, the N95 etc. you will be connected at all times. Every minute of your life, even when you sleep. So there is 1 billion computers in the world right now but more than 2 billion phones. Those phone will become sooner or later computer in the fullest sense, as those smart phones are already. So if the IPhone is $199 now, in 18 month it will be half that, and 36 month half that again ans so on. So our meta-brain will bring the majority of human within his reach in a very few years. What does that mean? A lot of things but beside what have already been written by sci-fi writers I will say that we will have the most powerful living brain on this planet that have ever existed. So powerful in fact that the only thing more powerful will be god himself, assuming that god exist (for the atheist!). The big question is will that brain be good for individuals or not? My personal answer is no. This is not a simple answer, even if it looks like one. Why? With the advance of technology, we've reached an inflection point. Turing did see that in the 50's so nothing new here. We've reached that limit when the internet was created. Even if not everything was there yet, like a small chidren who got everything that an adult have but can't use it because of his lack of maturity. So a few other questions come to mind, will you be able to get out of that brain if you want? Probably not. Will that brain manifest itself to human kind? Probably not. As a human could I detect that brain? Probably not. Anyway, more on this latter.

vendredi 18 janvier 2008

Internet and politics 3

In short, there 2 possibles explanations. First, the value of the information that you give all the time outweight any other considerations. Second explanation, please bear with me this one as I guess it is a little bit weird. Must people know that very small living creature like ants create very elaborate structure. It seems as all the ants together have one brain. We can call this a meta-brain. The internet is a meta-brain. Composed of each one of us, so together we create a new form of intelligence that is superior to any one of us. That intelligence could and will be able to not only protect itself, but grows. How, exactly as our brain does for every cells we have in our brain. By giving each one of those what it want. More on this later...